Are you ready to celebrate your love of flowers with us?

Holly Chapple

Hitomi Gilliam

Shane Connolly

Francoise Weeks

Paulina Nieliwocki

The Wild Mother

Milena Orlandi

Becky Feasby

Rachel Ann Lunghi

Megan Hurley

P. Allen Smith

Mike Boerma

Gregor Lersch


“This is the first time for me in Flowerstock, and you produced an event that blows my mind. This day helped me understand that I’m part of a new age of floristry. I got answers and validation to questions and thoughts I had about farming, floral design, color, and many more. Thank you so much for all the effort of arranging this magical event! It was absolutely fantastic."
Flowerstock Attendee 2020
WON'T YOU JOIN US?"It was super enjoyable to watch from home and just so informative. I love the choices you made for presenters and topics, all had such useful information."
Flowerstock Attendee 2020

"Today was fabulous!"
Flowerstock Attendee 2020

The date and time of the Flowerstock Live Schedule is tentative and subject to change.
We reserve the right to change the time/date of the event and any details listed on this sales page. Read our Terms & Condition here.
Flowerstock includes 15 amazing educators from around the world virtually and pre-recorded: Holly Chapple, Shane Connolly, Hitomi Gilliam, Paulina Nieliwocki, Mike Boerma, P. Allen Smith, Rachael Ann Lunghi, Françoise Weeks, Megan Hurley, Gregor Lersch, Milena Orlandi, Becky Feasby, and the Palmer sisters: Leah, Lauren, and Callie.